Trisomy 13: Smiling
Journal Entry 10/15/2000
Could you believe this weekend? I was jogging at sunrise this morning and was so overwhelmed by the beautiful colors that God gave to fall. The steam was coming off the lake and the air was cool enough to get rosy cheeks. The most emotional part was thanking God that I got to be out there seeing this. I thought about people that can’t get out and they’d miss this! As I went on, I became so thankful I felt this strange feeling come over me, I was smiling! Haven’t done that for a while. It feels so good to smile.
Saturday I chopped vegetables and made a stew. The windows were open, Christian ran in and out to report on the number of bugs around the house, and Lex and Mike fell asleep watching football. I’m smiling.
With little change in Lex, I finally resorted to trying another “method” of helping her along. A friend suggested I try a new product called OPC 3, grape seed extract and aloe vera juice for her immune system. Each day we’re seeing a small improvement. She’s smiling! And occasionally giggling.
She crawled across the floor today and sat up for a while. The doctors say she’s reacting to a strong seizure medication and it’ll eventually adjust to her system, the GI doctors say she’s getting good nutrition and that’s the reason she’s improving, maybe it’s grape seed extract, but definitely the prayers of all of you are being answered. I told God Saturday morning that I felt we were losing her, and if that was His will, I would accept it, now knowing how we would survive without her. And now she seems to be improving. Isn’t that the way God is, waiting for us to give up our own will? Be still and know that I am God.
We’ve had a couple of snake siting’s around the house, so I thought it would be educational to get the encyclopedia and show the different kinds to Christian and get him reading. He’s become possessed by the 17 encyclopedia “SN”. He gets it down to show everyone and gets it out to show us in bed first thing in the morning. Unfortunately he overheard me telling someone we had one in our bathroom last year and as he stood with his pants around his ankles, refused to sit on the toilet because he thought one might come up. As I tried to keep a straight face, I coaxed him for 20 minutes and we finally got the job done with a little bribery of candy.
He made me smile.
Love you,
Robbie and family
My thoughts today 10/15/2012:
This was one of the best days ever. I’d had the beauty of a sunrise, being thankful for my life, and then to have a day that was very close to normal. It was a good day. We had just been through a nightmare of tests and trials, and we couldn’t seem to bring Lexie out of the distress she was in. Having a day like this was such a jewel, and of course being able to smile made it all perfect. Looking back I remember wondering if God wanted Lexie to go to heaven. Maybe He was telling us it was time for her to go. Today I’m not sure I believe exactly the same. I believe that God wants us all to be healed completely and to live a long life. That is His heart. We are all on a journey to be the best we can be, and know that God wants the best for us always.